Only a few South Africans know that the V&A Waterfront is home to the oldest working harbour in South Africa along with 22 cultural landmarks. PenBev (Peninsula Beverage Company - local bottler of The Coca-Cola Company’s products in the Western and Northern Cape) in partnership with The Chavonnes Battery Museum, V&A Waterfront and the ‘Partners in Education Project’ sponsored a historical walking tour to educate Nu Hoop Primary School learners from Porterville about Cape Town’s rich history.
Excited learners from Nu Hoop Primary in Porterville, arrived at the V&A Waterfront’s Chavonnes Battery Museum, where the ruins of an original Dutch Fort, which was completed in 1726, is carefully preserved. The pupils listened intently to their period dressed tour guide‘Jan van Riebeeck’ as he reminisced about South Africa and the significance of Cape Town during the 18th century. This unique historical walking tour specifically focusses on life during the 1700s, the different historic points at the V&A Waterfront and how the Dutch Fort ruins at the Chavonnes Battery were only discovered in 1999, after being buried for 140 years!
‘Jan van Riebeeck’ renowned historian and author Willem Steenkamp, and his period clad assistants educate learners about Cape Town and specifically, historic points at the V&A Waterfront such as the Clock Tower, the Robinson Dry Dock (one of the oldest operating docks dating back to 1882), the SAS Somerset (the only boom defence vessel remaining in the world that is permanently moored for viewing) and Cape Town’s first power station.
“The walking tour is an interactive and exciting initiative that teaches learners about South Africa’s rich history. Most of the schools we sponsor for the tours have never been to Cape Town, let alone seen the ocean. We contribute to youth education by exposing these learners to the history of South Africa and ultimately broaden their knowledge. We also encourage them to read by having English, Afrikaans and Xhosa information boards,” comments Dale Dodgen, Business Executive for Chavonnes Battery Museum.
PenBev (Peninsula Beverage Company - local bottler of The Coca-Cola Company’s products in the Western and Northern Cape) began sponsoring the historical tour in May 2012. Niqui Smit, OnCon Channel Manager from PenBev says, “We are delighted to be partnered with the V&A Waterfront and the Chavonnes Battery Museum. The pilot project in 2012 proved to be a huge success and we therefore continue to expand the number of learners that would not only have a great experience but also understand the history of Cape Town. This initiative forms part of PenBev’s community focussed programmes which serve to uplift the communities in which we operate and who continue to support us.”
The Historical Walking Tour operates daily on request and departs from the Chavonnes Battery Museum which is open 7 days a week 9:00 to 16:00. During the coming winter holidays, learners under 16 can visit the museum free of charge, when accompanied by an adult. For more information contact 021-416-6230 or visit http://bit.ly/MuseumFacebookPage or http://www.waterfront.co.za/Pages/VandAWaterfrontHistoricalWalkingTours.aspx
For more information about PenBev contact 021-936-5500 or visit www.penbev.co.za. Join PenBev’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/PenBev
Photographer: Craig Wilson
Released by Reputation Matters Media contact: Lisa Sharland Mobile: 076 373 4602 lisa@reputationmatters.co.za